glxgetclientstring - Man Page

glXGetClientString(3G)	    OpenGL Reference - GLX	glXGetClientString(3G)

     glXGetClientString	- returns a string describing the client

     const char	* glXGetClientString( Display *dpy,
				      int name )

     dpy   Specifies the connection to the X server.

     name  Specifies which string is returned.	One of VENDOR, VERSION,	or

     glXGetClientString	returns	a string describing some aspect	of the client
     library. The possible values for name are VENDOR, VERSION,	and
     EXTENSIONS. If name is not	set to one of these values then	NULL is
     returned. The format and contents of the vendor string is implementation

     The extensions string is null-terminated and contains a space-separated
     list of extension names. (The extension names never contain spaces.) If
     there are no extensions to	GLX, then the empty string is returned.

     The version string	is laid	out as follows:


     Both the major and	minor portions of the version number are of arbitrary
     length.  The vendor-specific information is optional.  However, if	it is
     present, the format and contents are implementation specific.

     If	the GLX	version	is 1.1 or 1.0, then the	GL version must	be 1.0.

     This routine only returns information about GLX extensions. Call
     glGetString to get	a list of GL extensions.

     glXQueryVersion, glXQueryExtensionsString,	and glXQueryServeryString.

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